Martial Arts

Martial Arts is a vehicle for anyone of any age that want to transform their heath, emotional well being, and expression of personal power. Training for 7 months, 7 years, or for 70 years will bring life changing personal knowledge and transformation to any individual. There are many styles, levels, and achievements that one can attain through practice. Children ages 4-60 commonly practice martial arts throughout the world. I encourage everyone to take the first steps of the martial journey. It will open doors to many new worlds that one can travel to inside their self. Feel free to get in and enjoy the ride.


Trey teaches private and group lessons. A beginning student will being with Wu Xing Qi Gong, A bilateral energy exercise to harmonize the 5 organs. 100 Basics, A combination of drills to give the beginning student a solid foundation for further martial advancement in all areas. After achieved proficiency the student will progress into further areas of development and movement.


Lessons can be scheduled as short as 1 hour and up to 20+ hours on specific topics. Lessons can also be customized for areas of specific interest or health needs.


Group lesson/seminar topics include:

  • Basics
    • Simply going through the basics of how to practice safely.
  • Qi Gong Self-Massage
    • A self-massage set with mediation to relax and release energetic flow throughout the body.
  • Standing meditation, I-Chuan.
    • Intention boxing. How to maintain energetic flow and presence for health and self defense.
  • Bi Lateral Movements for health.
    • In depth exploration of different styles of Qi gong and Gong Fu for Spirit, Mind, and Body balancing.
  • Meditation on the Divine Space
    • A guided meditation practice to open ones awareness to the divine realm.
  • Kicking for Flexibility and Power
    • A exploratory look into the gamut of kicks, how they change ones flexibility, and how to make them powerful while keeping flexibility.
  • Palm Striking
    • How to deliver palm strikes that limit personal injury and maximize neutralizing power.

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